Hubzone Space Available Now
Our Hubzone workspace provides professional office space to all our members.

Take it from us!  We can help you get your HUBZone certification.  We did it! We can walk you through it.  Our space is right inside the Leesburg HUBzone area.  We can help you meet your HUBZone requirements by providing the additional staff you need that live right in the HUBZone.

What is Required To Be HUBZone Certified?

  • Together with affiliates, must be a small business by SBA standards
  • Owned and controlled by at least 51% U.S. citizens or a community development corporation, an agricultural cooperative, or an Indian tribe
  • Principal office must be located within a designated HUBZone
  • At least 35% of its employees must reside in a HUBZone

We can’t help with the first two items but we can with the last two.  #1 Make XCYTE your Principal office, #2 We can help you find employees in the HUBZone or you can subcontract ours to meet the requirements.

How do I fill out the HUBZone application?

It sounds much harder than it is.  We don’t want to discount the level of difficulty but it can be done.  We did it!  We were founded by a HUBzone certified company.  We can walk you through the application process and even show you our application so you know what you’re getting into.

Together with our partnership with the Mason Enterprise Center we can put you together with our members and many others that can share their success stories with the HUBZone program.

HUBZone Services

  • Hubzone Application Template
  • Hubzone Personnel to hire
  • Hubzone experience in contracting

Get Your Hubzone Office Today

We have the best offices in the town of Leesburg and we have the experience you can leverage for your hub zone contracting needs.  We can help you through the hubzone application process by showing you our completed application.  Additionally we can provide you with a template that should help you in your application needs.  One of the most challenging parts of the Hubzone program is compliance and recruiting of additional hubzone staffing.  We have the people readily available for you and your company’s needs.


People Talking About Us

It was a great place to work for the day, and I will definitely come back sometime when I'm in the area and need a spot to work.
T. Taylor
The space is perfect & the price is even better.
S. Gause